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Enhancing near-infrared solar cell response using upconverting transparent ceramics

M. Liu, YalinLu, Z.B.Xie, G.M.Chow 

Sol.Energy Mater. Sol. Cells. 2011, 95, 800. 


Microstructured silicon created with a nanosecond neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser

W. J. Mandeville, M. K.Shaffer, Yalin Lu, D. O’Keefe, R. J. Knize 

AppliedPhysics A: Materials Science & Processing, 104:755-758(2011)


Tunable transmission and enhanced emission in ordered metallic nanostructures having varying channel shape

Yalin Lu

Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing,103:597-605(2011)


Manipulation of absorption in Si thin films with ordered nanostructures

Yalin Lu; Reinhardt, K. 

Physica StatusSolidi C, 8:203-6(2011)


Enhanced photo absorption and carrier generation in nanowire solar cells

Wei Wang, Shaomin Wu, Knize R. J., Reinhardt k.,Yalin Lu, and Shaochen Chen

Optics Express. 20, 3733 (2011)


Adding a thin metallic plasmonic layer to silicon thin film solar cells

Yalin Lu; Sell, J.F.;Johnson, M.D.; Reinhardt, K.; Knize, R.J.

Physica Status Solidi C, 8:843-5(2011)